Alpha Cine Custom View-Master Team – View-Master Special Commercial Reel – 2009 – vintage Discount

View-Master Commercial Reel
Sheldon Aronowitz wrote the following information some years back:
This is the special reel of the Alphacine production staff and operations showing the reel mounting machine in operation, etc. ONLY 100 of these were made and I gave ALL of them out to the first 100 attendees of my Viewmaster workshop at an NSA Convention 3 or 4 years ago. Over 100 people attended the workshop so not even every attendee got the reel. I had it made specially as a giveaway gift for those attending the workshop given by myself and VP Sales Manager, Debra Borer.This reel is special not only because only 100 were made, but because it shows the production staff an the now defunct Alphacine – which produced custom and scenic Viewmaster reels from September 2009 to September 2013. This is a very rare and historical Viewmaster reel. This reel is on par with the desirable Tour of Sawyer s Viewmaster Plant from the 1950s.
Alpha Cine was the last company who made custom View-Master reels with a license from Mattel.
The reel pictures the staff and their equipment. We provide a special cover for the reel made by
Reel is in like new condition.Each image retains its full color and there is NO spidering, NO mold, NO violet spots, No bubbling on the reel.